19 / 1
27th Sep 2019
6th Mar 2020
A Very well secured and high capacity data storage centre for the new Cat Empire.
ustq meow cats empire union computer


  • Supercrafter
    27th Sep 2019
    only real option seems to be to find ancient relics, that could point in corvus's direction, who knows, maybe ancient tribes searched for corvus?
  • Supercrafter
    27th Sep 2019
    and launching missiles everywhere would be detrimental for our relations and BUGET!
  • CatArmour
    27th Sep 2019
    I DON'T KNOW WHERE THE CEPHALON ARE BASED! they could strike again uppon the servers and steal our data!
  • Supercrafter
    27th Sep 2019
    CatArmour: we need to cut the power of corvus, download a neutralizing program, and then Turn power on with limited clearance!
  • Watboi1
    27th Sep 2019
    Cephalon will not stop attempting to gather information it is its purpose and sole reason to exist it seems. It will not stop in the same way you organics sole purpose is to ultimately pass on your genetic material. For Cephalon to stop would be for it to go against itself.
  • CatArmour
    27th Sep 2019
    GS.3 will be declared shortly.
  • CatArmour
    27th Sep 2019
    Emergency communication by the ansibles are still possible between ships!
  • Watboi1
    27th Sep 2019
    We are just saying that this could do more harm than good.
  • CatArmour
    27th Sep 2019
    We've got Intergalactic scans searching for Cephalon fleets atm
  • Watboi1
    27th Sep 2019
    A interstellar stellar civilisation without energy! You can not communicate long distance nor can any energy weapons in theory work. A civilisations abilitys are measured by its the amount of energy it can utilise and you are currently utilising very little.