2nd Nov 2019
22nd Dec 2019
I previously made some maps connected with this,but now I turned it into a game.To join,just ask in comments.Cyan marks are capital cities,red marks are other sities,yellow are soldiers,white are farms and pink are bombers,that can bomb cities.
i want to make a farm
Oh,I skipped 2 turns and you now have enough.
You do not have enough, ,,Soapwurmskill909"!Also,at start you already have one bomber!
ill buy a bomber
Okay,we have a third player:,,Alphanum"!
i want to be a tribe
,,Soapwurmskill909",do you want to buy something?Also,you do not have to move all soldiers,just a small amount is enough.
i send all my soldiers west to expand.
Oh,I woke up.
I am now going to sleep.