Credit to Swill5000, Dimanyak, AVeryBigNurd, edr-01, and Pinkcat.
Id have to travel to the Edir system to help these people. And i have no major military to speak of on Pharol.
Watboi1 Camarnon and Trahan in my Wide will shortly be available, you're welcome to take over either one if you're interested xd.
Watboi1 Why not join the fight?
We shall see.
Wonderful first contact.
This is most concerning. There are numerous other planets in the invaded system but none of them have the technology to resist. Resistance at this point does indeed seem futile.
I presume you are talking about WSA (Look at galactic map), they are an entirely different thing and (might) originate from WSA, you however are facing 3 of them, and I doubt your chances as I already doubt ours.
Its just Notoyou has a save very similar to this system. They called it the replicator system.
What are they called. Im probably mixing up the name with something else.
Not a replicator ship