Credit to Swill5000, Dimanyak, AVeryBigNurd, edr-01, and Pinkcat.
Alienoverlord Your ships
Who's ships are those?
MinecraftTranquility: how can i do that
xXVRUBYVXx Of course you may claim it, however I'll hold it for you in the time being. Before your wide is entered, I want you to improve the map quality of it. My new policy of planet distribution will revolve around a mild but firm standard of quality control, a wide has to look professional and smooth.
correction id: 2518008
can i claim Flain for my nationwide id:2517082
Can you add my ID as well please? it is Troit: 2516481
it is nationwide:nurr
hey minecraft: can you add my ID:2516389
erictom333 I'll add it here ID:2390587