1 spot open; a different nationwide. - DEFCON. Defense Readiness Condition. A scale from 1 to 5 to determine how close we are to nuclear annihalation..
A launch is heard around the world. An intercontinental ballistic missile has had blueprints be stolen from the French, and the Resistance has built an unknown amount of nuclear bombs. This missile threatens to hit the United Kingdom.
The troops have isolated the Resistance down to very rural areas within Germany. Iraq, with support from NATO, is taken. NATO sees this as an opportunity for establishing control and bases in the Middle East.
India isn't going to surrender. In response to the bombers and attacks on it's armies, India establishes a vast anti-air grid covering much of the urban population. The fake tanks and soilders initially work, but are easily ignored. Bombards are making chaos within the armies, however AA is fast to set up. Both sides have severe casualties, and the armies are both getting larger.
I aslo send more troops to Europe, and send them into the remaining enemy territory. I also begin an invasion of Iraq
I'm missing territory. Alaska and Hawaii
I start to gather vast armies of those who managed to recover. I focus my military forces on the easiest fronts to penatrate. I also set up fake tanks and fake soldiers to distract the indian forces. I will also heavily bombard the strongest indian front with countless artillery and bombing runs.
AVeryBigNurd: I begin to assemble large bomber formations loaded with with bombs. After i assemble the squadrons, i tell the Indians that i they surrender, they will be a puppeted state of mine.
In a few mere days, Mongolia is annexed by the Chinese military. However, the Chinese are weakened from their battles, and can't face the might of the ready Indian armies.
I push forward with all my might in mongolia, and when i annex mongolia, i will focus my intentions on India.
Technological access is prohibited until the first nuke is fired. Tech isn't solely for nukes.