The very late sequel to Command & Destroy, in this nationwide your objective is to capture all the valuable resources on the planet, and destroy your enemies in the process. You have the abillity to puchase troops, and cities and industry and stuff.
The Mercenary Coalition begins exporting resources via rocket.
@NuttyMcNuttzz You begin exporting resources via rocket into orbit to be taken away. The government is satisfied with this result and provides +10 Tickets.
@Umm One more industry area is built, raising the out put even further.
@NuttyMcNuttzz You lack the seafaring equipment to make the journey! crossing will be slow and dangerous.
Reinvest our gains into 1 more industry
I expand East and North and search for resources there
@NuttyMcNuttzz New resource deposits are found to be very dense in the northern area of the island.
@Umm The resources begin to be launched by rocket back into orbit for transport, and the government is no longer overdrawn. +10 Tickets.
@Umm expansion rate is reduced, and quality of infrastructure as well as quality of life rises. -10 Instabillity.
@Nutty You begin expanding north, 2 factories and 1 city are built.