162 / 19
28th Mar 2020
3rd Apr 2020
Types of cows I've made while messing around with ACEL, DCEL, the PROP tool and other stuff. Free to copy.
cows prot bovine steak meat fast perspective taurus bostaurus


  • UltraCheesyPies
    1st Apr 2020
    is it possible to make HAMBURGER shaped cow?
  • JustAPlayer
    1st Apr 2020
    The wall was now gone, shattered into 10^64 pieces, and the cow was nothing but hydrogen. "We could use this for creating bovine missles!" they said. So they made more and more fast cows. 20 years later, a guy called Simon got inspired by the P.R.O.P. tool the russians have made and created a game called "The Powder Toy". The end.
  • JustAPlayer
    1st Apr 2020
    @Palpatine333 No, the story that would fit better with the fast cow is: Soviets were doing their job. Then a guy had an idea: a tool that can change anything! They named it "Prototype P.R.O.P.". They tested it on cows. One day, they set the P.R.O.P. to VX mode, turned up everything to 9999 and used it on a testing cow. The cow suddenly became faster than sound. Poor testing cow couldn't handle such speed. Being unable to control itself, it crashed into a wall and underwent major nuclear fusion.
  • jm211
    1st Apr 2020
    +1 for the return of the cows. Why do so many people have beef with this meme? I mean sure, some creators milked it awhile back, but still.
  • User-159747
    1st Apr 2020
    the shortcow kinda looks like a dog
  • East_Europe3339
    1st Apr 2020
    maybe that fits better with the fast cow...
  • East_Europe3339
    1st Apr 2020
    I got a better story for that (made up): Soviets were doing their job. until one guy had an idea! COW SOLDIER! They thought the accelerator would do something. But instead we got the L O N G C O W
  • JustAPlayer
    1st Apr 2020
    I stuck a cow in ACEL. That's how the L O N G C O W was born.
  • Merlin1846
    1st Apr 2020
    I stuck a cow in a shrink ray
  • acepotato
    1st Apr 2020
    fast cow isnt turning into hydrogen, its entering h y p e r s p a c e