181 / 14
7th Apr 2020
8th Apr 2020
I learned this type of animation from Mob Psycho opening XD (edit: it's called Moire pattern) Credit to kutikrisztian for everything obviously.
animation neko nottaken computer corona meow copieding cats c0vid19 asianfood


  • Plasmey_401k
    10th Apr 2020
    When Qweryntino put his save together, he adapted and changed it in his own image, setting himself apart from the origional save. While the first simply showed off the tech, this one gives somewhat of a demonstration of how the principal works. It isn't simply e+grvt+e+prop+vx... it's something new. Something put out for the TPT community to see and vote on.
  • Plasmey_401k
    10th Apr 2020
    I personally think this save is pretty okay and FP worthy, as does its score of 100 upvotes and over 5000 views. Regardless of novelty or innovation, it's still cool. Even though it doesn't exhibit years of skills or complex maths, the simplicity of it still shows a scientific principal.
  • Plasmey_401k
    10th Apr 2020
    First of, I'd just like to clarify a few things. I mentioned my dislike for memes as an example (a topical one, seeing as Daily meme v8 is currently on FP and I wish it wasn't), not as my manifesto for a culling of memes on TPT. I'm not a facist. Secondly, I would love it if there was an objective scale of goodness, but, unfortunatly, there is none (citation needed).
  • R33sesK1ng
    10th Apr 2020
    But I digress ... Secondly, being taught to make good saves already means that you learned some important skills (like making electronics or art).
  • R33sesK1ng
    10th Apr 2020
    The important take-away from being taught to make good saves is that first, it sets a great standard for creativity so that, for example, you don't get people just sh!t posting saves that aren't really that artistically interesting in the first place. I'd like to add that getting a cheap little laugh and over-exaggeration your own reaction to something that was slightly funny does not count as a good save; it's just cringe.
  • R33sesK1ng
    10th Apr 2020
    But more importantly, I want to state clearly more important details. When I said that TPT is a place for learning it obviously means that you can learn a few interesting things, but in the general context of "people should be doing better in this game" then you can guess that I meant that a way to learn in this game is for other people who make good saves to teach you how to make good saves, too.
  • R33sesK1ng
    10th Apr 2020
    That is, there was no room for Qwerytino's own input as a creator from a technical or artistic standpoint. All he did was take something from one save and put it into this save. He just found an obvious way to make the animation actually work by recreating it. If you think that it requires a whole lot of effort or, more importantly, skill, then you are sorely mistaken. Putting deco on a block of slowly moving GRVT is neither a technical or artistic marvel.
  • R33sesK1ng
    10th Apr 2020
    And I don't want us to disagree on when I say "good... in an objective sense" because with some strict, but simple guidelines we can surprisingly easily establish an objective way to measure what qualifies as a 'good' save or a 'bad' save. I'm sure we can agree on that, at least. One of the things that got me started talking on this save was the fact that the save was largely if not entirely uninspired.
  • R33sesK1ng
    10th Apr 2020
    For example, a meme save could have been made with some level of artistic integrity, in that there was a lot of detail put into their work, and it's possible that the save could actually be funny, be also just happen to be classified as a meme. By just those standards alone (the fact that it was not just clever, but was artistically detailed in a way that requires skill and some effort, at least) does that not qualify the save to be judged as a good one, in an objective sense?
  • R33sesK1ng
    10th Apr 2020
    We first need to define in actual, realistic terms what it means for a save to have "merit", as it was not clearly defined as you responded. First of all, saves with no merit aren't all just memes -- I'm sure we can both agree on it if we both think about it. Just because a save is a meme doesn't automatically remove all merit from it at once, as there is nothing inherently wrong with memes. It just so happens that many, if not most memes put into the game are of low quality.