Unpickable, untamperable. BRAY in FILT technology is discarded and now we use LDTC as a part of the lock insides. V7 Lock = 7-th Generation Unpickable Lock Build 00.4.6 | Upgrade 1 - Enhanced security from CRAY picks. I will add more stuff that protect m
Your criteria doesnt specify the rules for picking well enough. None of the parts of the creation were made from parts of the key. It was made from the same elements as the key. Specify: You may not use any of the elements used in the key to pick the lock, in any form.
OwOMaster: All of your picks for V7 lock uses only ceramic and titan and not CRAY, BTRY, etc. One more your pick that breaks rules and you get permanently banned from picking my lock no matter what.
sorry, ID:2530061
;P +1 I hope that works
Fixed a 2-nd lock hatch not opening
OwOMaster: Fixed BOMB element leakage
explodes immediately, doesnt work
OwOMaster: Your pick uses some parts of my key, and it breaks one of rules in picking rules in this save. Also your save uses the old build of my lock (00.1.5), so please discard your pick and go make a real one
id:2530033 I made a key with no original parts, and deco on, i can make a thing to make that key on the fly to pass the 'must be different from key catagory