Took me 3 days but im happy whit it, all the guns work. Free to use any part with credit.
So I looked into the save history of this one and the date of mongolia's save. You made this literally 21 days after them, and used their idea. They didn't ruin this save, you did by stealing someone else's work.
i have seen this save before and was made by @mongolia way before you did
Jeez jure just a guy who want credit for everithyng, here, a credit for being a offensive selfish jerk.
yes and why not my name in here?
I did not steal ANYTHING FROM ANYONE while making this thing, and a super tank IS NOT a new concept.
@KBD2 How do you get it?
Super Tank plan is 3 years ago and 1 month thing about 1 month making hard.
this way is god hate me and i have no salary and stoled my tank for free yoi must fix it right now!!!
oh no way you selling my idea with nothing forget me!?
nah wait, its not, looks very simmilar in the preview window, but its just not the same at all in save