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9th May 2020
11th May 2020
Some art (no deco at all) of a CPU released by Intel in 2004. I also made the socket it needs to fit in, and a layered version of it. Enjoy! Feel free to copy, give credit only if you want to.


  • Qweryntino
    9th May 2020
    Thanks man
  • JustAPlayer
    9th May 2020
    after you press "Okay" it will generate the text under your cursor, uisng the material you have selected. example: i select DMND, press Ctrl+T, type in "Hello World!", select the 7px font and press okay. it will generate the text under my cursor, using DMND, in the 7px font.
  • JustAPlayer
    9th May 2020
    its called texter, you can find it in the script manager (if you have it), you also have to download the default fonts for it from script manager too, else it wont work, and to start it press Ctrl+T
  • Qweryntino
    9th May 2020
    serious question, btw
  • Qweryntino
    9th May 2020
    So um, can you tell where to find this text generator you used?