Hi, I'm here now. It's been a while since I've spewed paragraphs into the comments, hasn't it? I'd just like to say that I ardently defend art saves, so... yeah. I can see what you mean, but things change. Sometimes we have to accept that. By the end of the day, none of this matters. These saves are just bits, we're just atoms. One day, nothing will be left of our work of TPT or even our bodies.
So if we are to first recognize that art saves like this cannot become too ardently defended, it becomes implicit that the mindset employed to defend art saves like this can easily throw off the balance between creativity and learning in art and in making other saves.
If we say that creativity is the basis for making saves, then we eliminate problems of a lot of controversy. But as we said there being too much art on FP can be a problem; becuase if we want there to be a balance in the saves we see, -- similar to the one we have now -- we must make sure that art doesn't take over TPT and push out saves of 'utility'. Likewise, we shouldn't want to push out art saves, since they're expressions of creativity that can help you learn.
While we can't logically disagree with the concept of making art if we want to think of TPT as a place for creativity and learning, we also can't argue against the case for saves in TPT needing to have utility since the rules of a game are up to the devs to make. But what we can do is explore the creativity that we already have.
@VIP84, There are more ways to get more saves fitting the initial intentions of the game than deco art saves. You can open up TPT to more creativity to allow both. We are not making the case against the existence of deco art, else I'd not think there was a solution to the problem.
@aieau probably strawberry
what is the flavour of the candy?
weeb crossing GeT oUt of my way