"...and survives for 1 minute..." *Sigh* A bigger craft will lag the save, causing the FPS to drop, slowing down the game, and extending the time it takes for the wax to melt. Similarly, a smaller craft will cause less lag, not slowing the game as much, causing the wax to melt quicker. (Even if the craft material is overall stronger). Don't use seconds as a unit of time, use in-game frames, since that's how everything happens. Is this too complicated or..?
also has a stickman in it
Here, this survived 1 minute right? ID:2759965, I literally just got my bunker, flipped it over, put it on the top and covered the exposed colloid with ceramic and it worked. :D
did it survive a minute? id: 2706243
damn bob died on my capsule because the immense pressure...