Tired of all the subframe computers which require external tools to program? Have an algorithm that you'd really like to implement in TPT? Try the Subframe Turing-complete blocks! Heavily inspired by lesio's save, see the link inside.
Hmm Kinda like mine
What are you doing in my swamp?!
i have more like than you. id:2564896
@elliotwilson7: and more views
this thing needs more likes
My gosh I should really learn subframe so I can actually figure out what's going on in there
this may be the most incredible thing i've seen on this game. Amazing.
GUI concept: id:2556248
petition for LBPHacker to make a TPT lua script like Scratch for making programs for computers like the tiny Tesla ones or the R2/R1, it would be so cool to make a lua script with a GUI similar to Scratch with building code blocks, and when you're done it will convert the blocks you placed into assembly code and then print the FILT rom in the simulation