Press 8 (Nothing Display) Stroke it somewhere with SPRK. Watch. Do it again in amother place. And so on. Yes, it's probably laggy if you're running crap. Cutting away half of it might help.
if you turn everything off (heat simulation, air) it runs faster
Beatless123 I get i7 too, but 1st gen i7 xd
now this is just your typical fp save
spark it
I did a lot of experiments with this kind of mixing last year. Just got back into it yesterday. This save is the craziest of them all. LOL
@BokkaB I start with a set of powder particles, copy/paste until I have a BIG set of particles. Then I use the Mix tool to randomize them. Then, one by one, I change each powder element to some conductive solid using the Console. Also set most properties to 0. Then I test the mix, and change more until it's doing something I like. Then deco in console for individual elements.
43 fps---i got i5 W/good graphics card
not laggy. id:2557218
Beautiful!How do you made it?
12 FPS. I got i7.