The save sign was misleading. It seemed that all you could put after "{s:" was "user:saves of user|in sign text}" but when I tried "{s:Langton|Langton's ant}" It searched Langton in the searchbar. So a less misleading text would both, not include user: in the base of the sign, and include subtexts like "user:" as a list beside the main example... Does that make sense?
+thanks! I like these informative posts! :)
Nice. I noticed the changes and additions, but haven't been powdering much lately.
Searching it on wiki shows this,pavg[0] and pavg[1] are 2 "hidden" properties. They are used to control TUNG, QRTZ, and GLAS breaking, and to store properties of elements that have been infected by virus or are inside PIPE, STOR, and VIRS.Elements that use pavg[0] and pavg[1]: GLAS QRTZ TUNG STOR PIPE PPIP VIRS
What do Flags and Pvag1 and 0 even do?