Do whatever you want, put LOXY in the fuel tank, see how it fares against fireworks, make custom exhausts and intakes and stuff.
upd: Added stasis wall instead of E-Wall because when e-wall closes it removes things inside it (very bad for this engine)
upd: Lowered cooling, i just thought it was too much
upd: changed Recommended fuel: Oil to Recommended fuel: OIL/DESL
upd: made a very slight change to the supercharger, i'll fix it if it does anything bad
upd: dumb tpt logic made the coolant leak into the chamber, this should be fixed now
basically updated the thing i made below the previous update comment
upd: made the "fuel injection bypass" better
upd: added portals that bypass the fuel (now you can put whatever you want in the intake to make it to the combustion without it clogging up due to the liquid only walls)
upd: better fuel injection (doesn't make gas in the injector when the fuel is on)
spent a long time on it (doesnt show)