A conveyer belt! Free to copy with credit! (Containers with liquids can explode sometimes when not on the track. VIBR can also explode when transported long distances.)
Whats subframe, again? Sorry, I'm kinda new here.
now make subfame version
Fedor1094_TRUE you can change the temp/ppp (pixel per push (lol)) of the pistons, but it won't look too good.
Philipou yep it's t h i c c
press 3 5 or 7
i think its too slow
*It now has no grooves at the bottom and a extended rail for demo.
docRoboRobert Yep, but you could always just remove the little bumbs and extend the conveyer.
When you put powder there.
It's more like a sieve or particle slower rather than conveyor belt.