21st Aug 2020
23rd Aug 2020
This is a perfectly playing Tic-tac-toe AI which uses a look-up table. Just click in the 3x3 grid with SPRK to play. After a game ended it automatically restarts in 3 seconds. Source code is available at: https://github.com/csavas03/R2_TicTacToe_AI
Philipou: That happens if you spark a button, and then spark an other one in a different row EXACTLY 6 frames later.
its unbeatable but you can make it never win
i don't think its supposed to turn in to a glitchy looking mess sometimes
That would be hard with a normal computer let alone one made in TPT
hmmmmmmm 2577261
try implementing chess next
KBD2: I know, its just that your previous comment made it sound like that Connect Four is on the same level of difficulty (to play perfectly) as chess, while its probably pretty close to tic-tac-toe.
has anybody beaten this legit
i normally have a lot of draws
actually is worse when i place it inside