that's what I've meant to say in the text above as bugs I will fix tomorrow
cool, but it just flat out doesnt work
PSA: temp sensor is supposed to break when reactor meltdowns. its realistic!
Thank you to all to support my work, this 2 days I haven't been able to work with my computer, so I had to leave the reactor update incomplete, thats why there are so many bugs, I really didnt know it could be 2 days on fp on this state, but you still have liked it, tomorrow I think I will have my computer back and I will try to fix everithing, again, thanks to you all.
I am not so evil to rob someones work, I just implemented it to make it better.
Dude, dont you see below credit to xray3 for temp sensor?
ya thats wat we meant the temp display, also ive melted this down like 50 times love how simple it is
no, I ment the temp monater
I am sorry to deception you :(