[credit: Cracker100, statistics mechanisms] btw please press rainbow button next to pause & turn off yellow star shape. And sorry,alloy cooling system is very slow,so you may wanna use COOL tool when colling. Pls tell me if there's better cooling method!
Holy bismuth! It measures BEAUTY! +1
use stor ele
aww sorry people... I am still noob at electronics...
It looks cool and the visual aspect is great but the final product is at best messy and unpractical. still 1+ for the effort.
dump ln2 into the cooling area it cools
good +1
@Ludoki It has no purpose, but according to the quantum mechanics, there is a universe where this save actually has a purpose XD
my brain is too smol to understand the purpose of this
It works...It works. It works! It works!!!! IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!! :D
Oh I realized what was my mistake!! Those stupid fusion temperature...