Be Happy :)Be Happy :)Be Happy :)Be Happy :)Be Happy :)Be Happy :)Be Happy :)Be Happy :)Be Happy :)Be Happy :)Be Happy :)Be Happy :)Be Happy :)Be Happy :)Be Happy :)Be Happy :)Be Happy :)Be Happy :)Be Happy :)Be Happy :) credit to leluo, spread happy
Can't, I died in minecraft today and lost a load of good loot to a horde of piglins........sad
:) thanks,idk why this got so many downvvotes, its just spreading happyness
butter_dog: I respect your opinion as it is yours and you are entitled to it but I personally disagree
bruh this aint how you spread happiness
make it out of something that can put up a bit of fight be fore getting destroyed
kirya: I'm glad, exams were terrable this year
that's really made me happy after bad scores in my exams, like just smashed! its best motivator ever!
pluik25565: then dislike, I do not wish but happiness soon myself for it will fall to a void, I try to bring others happiness because I feel as if others deserve at which I do not have
That's not how it works... ,_,
downvote if you wish, I just want to make people happy and I will try my best to do that :)