9 / 1
8th Jan 2021
16th Jan 2021
Welcome to Azhalon. To join, put in a comment with your starting location (coordinates), your nation's color and name. Use deco to see nations. All invalid moves will be voided. Umm is currently dead, will be continuing this wide until he comes back.


  • DragonEggLol
    10th Jan 2021
    Jammer: Houses made, research teams made, mines are being made. Walls built around your cities.
  • Watboi1
    10th Jan 2021
    Begin mining deeper to try and find minerals. Invent a calendar system. Establish a minimum wage that increases based on the amount of working individuals there is in a family. Employers have to employ the largest families first. They must employ all working members of the family. More workers in family higher minimum wage. Once member reaches 18 age must leave to make new family. New fam given tax break and living wage and male goes to education until child fam able to work age 8.
  • AVeryBigNurd
    9th Jan 2021
    Upgrade mines with better mechanically upgraded tools, to extract coal, iron, and copper. Make the mines dig deeper in an attempt to find anything more valuable. Continue the creation of farms to ensure our population doesn't grow hungry. Establish a third colonist group alongside the north and eastern ones; starting at our northeast city and moving directly northeast. Continue the expansion efforts of our previous colonists.
  • superbantom
    9th Jan 2021
    massively expand my owned terrortories on the continent, devote alot of personnel, resources and ships to this effort, set up supply routes between costal settlements on the continent and my main island and encourage some of my population to become colonists and settle areas on the continent, build a new port at X58 Y60. Have my soldiers arrived at the continent yet? build more mines and create ventilation shafts for some deeper mines.
  • Jammer759
    9th Jan 2021
    THIS IS CORRECTED: Begin to construct basic housing made of mud and reinforced with any sticks or excess wood we have. Expand in the direction of 263X 91Y. Begin to make different research teams. Specifically, the defense, boat, expedition, expansion, construction, and food research teams. Using the basic weapons from the wood we got before, begin to mine stone. Combine the stone with mud and wood to make a weak but easy defense wall.
  • Jammer759
    9th Jan 2021
    Ignore the second to last message, I will correct it
  • Jammer759
    9th Jan 2021
    Wait, this is incompleate
  • Jammer759
    9th Jan 2021
    Begin to construct basic housing made of mud and reinforced with any sticks or excess wood we have. Expand in the direction of 263X 91Y. Begin to make different research teams. Specifically, the defense, boat, expedition, expansion, construction, and food research teams.
  • DragonEggLol
    9th Jan 2021
    DragonEggLol, expansion done, and all other stuff is done.
  • DragonEggLol
    9th Jan 2021
    superbantom, Wheels invented. Schooling improved. More guilds made.