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8th Jan 2021
16th Jan 2021
Welcome to Azhalon. To join, put in a comment with your starting location (coordinates), your nation's color and name. Use deco to see nations. All invalid moves will be voided. Umm is currently dead, will be continuing this wide until he comes back.


  • DragonEggLol
    16th Jan 2021
    Research a new thing called the "engine" powered by heat from coal to boil water into steam. The steam engine should use the force produced by steam to push a piston inside a cylinder.The cyliner should have a connecting rod and flywheel. Begin building boats with better sails and expand. Focus on gathering resources.
  • AVeryBigNurd
    16th Jan 2021
    Make copper wire, for now as a substitute for natural fibers. Propose a weird thing called an "engine" which uses a "cylinder" and "inlets/exhaust" to produce force fed to a "crankshaft", powered by coal. Begin experimenting with the production and improvement of these new parts.
  • MrPineapple
    15th Jan 2021
    Begin expanding north, make basic farms, sharpen sticks with rocks for weapons. (I'm assuming I have to start out this primitive)
  • Watboi1
    14th Jan 2021
    Begin experimenting with steam powered mechanisms. Once complete begin to create steam powered water pumps to help amend the flooding issues. Begin to further automate and improve the weaving processes perhaps through inventing the spinning mule? Build dedicated factories to all major production processes with semi automatic machines for weaving, iron and steel refining. Build another city.Begin to search rock waste for new ores. Build more ventilation shafts and fans to try and fix CO2 problem.
  • superbantom
    14th Jan 2021
    also expand across the eastern shore of the continent, connecting my ports and territory together.
  • superbantom
    14th Jan 2021
    Begin using my basic mechanical compnents along with water wheels and windmills for automation of various simple processes such as pulverising ore for later smealting, invest more resources in "the great pit" project, try to begin trade with the DOTL if i have found them, build more coal and iron mines, dig deeper and ask miners to bring any unidentified ore to the government for investigation. research better boats and build more forges.
  • Jammer759
    14th Jan 2021
    Hey abhi and any other new players, I reconmend joining the discord server [https://discord.gg/yceJSwxX67] since we have some helpful stuff there
  • Loom
    14th Jan 2021
    1.begin experimentation with iron and its uses 2. begin using clockwork mechanisms in textile production and other manufacturing processes 3.expand down the coast (heading towards desert) 4.continue breeding wine grapes until wine can start being produced 5. experimentation with using coal burning to generate steam to move water-wheel like apparatuses as a means to generate mechanical energy used in clockwork
  • abhi2013
    14th Jan 2021
  • abhi2013
    14th Jan 2021
    start gathering wood and stones expand to south and west then plant trees start making pickaxes and mine iron build two cuities and troop factory and food factory