9 / 1
8th Jan 2021
16th Jan 2021
Welcome to Azhalon. To join, put in a comment with your starting location (coordinates), your nation's color and name. Use deco to see nations. All invalid moves will be voided. Umm is currently dead, will be continuing this wide until he comes back.


  • DragonEggLol
    14th Jan 2021
    Build double material boats, research better mining methods, and research more water mill machines. Continue to try to find more alluminum. Begin spinning copper into wires, and start creating specialized school (ie schools for specific subjects, like art, math, physics, and other stuff like that)
  • Loom
    14th Jan 2021
    1. water wheels , copper gears and simple machines are being experimented with, in order to create moving clockwork mechanisms 2. the massive democratic structure continues to be built 3. the DIPLOMATIC LABOR DIVISON is training a group of 1000 soldiers 4. the pitmine is being searched for valuable ore deposits
  • NuttyMcNuttzz
    14th Jan 2021
    Begin experimenting with the copper wire. Begin experimenting with steam engines. Continue opening large mines and quarries and begin looking for rare minerals like gold. Build larger steel mills, and expand the lumber mills. Begin researching larger ships capable of traveling longer distances. Train an additional 800 troops. Continue searching the plains for horses, and build more farms there.
  • MrPineapple
    13th Jan 2021
    x:29 y:248 color:Bright Green name:Pineapple Union
  • Watboi1
    13th Jan 2021
    Begin to resolve these mechanical engineering issues. Create a engineering academy where engineers can go to educated new engineers. Dig even deeper and establish another two underground cities that will also be used as mines. Once the engineers have improved the weaving system start improving our iron and steel production processes. Begin planting even more trees in swamps. Begin creating and distributing steel mining and farming implements to the appropriate people, for a price of course.
  • superbantom
    13th Jan 2021
    Create casts for creating tools and other objects out of metals. Research basic mechanical objects (levers, pulleys, gears and lots more). Create iron nails, bolts and screws and use these for stronger construction especially in ships hulls, research larger ships that can cross large amounts of ocean, send exploration ships across the south west coast to find other nations and encourage most of my population to join the various guilds.
  • abhi2013
    13th Jan 2021
    cords are x187 y235
  • abhi2013
    13th Jan 2021
    i gavre prop[er cords
  • Jammer759
    13th Jan 2021
    Abhi, in case you did not see dragons comment, you need to give proper cords. Press d to open the cords and pick a area
  • Jammer759
    13th Jan 2021
    Firstly, as is standard, expand west. Next, begin to research this "coal" and try to discover its uses. Further invest into weapon RND as well as give the military the new advances in slingshot tech. In order to boost the economy, we will try to offer more jobs. Mainly jobs in food and construction. Not only to give us wealth, but to make our community more stable. Use more carts to transport more resources between cities/mines/forests. Finally, build another food farm for more jobs and food