9 / 1
8th Jan 2021
16th Jan 2021
Welcome to Azhalon. To join, put in a comment with your starting location (coordinates), your nation's color and name. Use deco to see nations. All invalid moves will be voided. Umm is currently dead, will be continuing this wide until he comes back.


  • AVeryBigNurd
    13th Jan 2021
    Increase resource extraction efforts. Improve a few of the basic manual-driven mechanical tools to more advanced water/wind-driven ones. For manually driven tools, begin researching basic or advanced algebra (taught in schools) to increase their efficency. Apply this not only to the mining industry, but also the woodcutting one.
  • silo88
    13th Jan 2021
    417 74 bright pink the core labs empire
  • DragonEggLol
    13th Jan 2021
  • DragonEggLol
    13th Jan 2021
    superbantom, uhhhhh yeah all of those done. I'm too lazy to type it all out but yeah, I put it in the document.
  • DragonEggLol
    13th Jan 2021
    Watboi1, steel made! Although it is a bit low quality. Wind powered weavers are being made, although they are highly ineffective due to mechanical engineering issues. Furnaces are being made, and miners are being made into backsmiths.
  • DragonEggLol
    13th Jan 2021
    Jammer, expansion done, coal found, and more trees are being harvested. Government officials are getting to know the people personally. Wood houses are being made, and you've discovered a way to make slingshots more effective. Carving can be done using a stone hammer and a small stone chip.
  • DragonEggLol
    13th Jan 2021
    abhi you need to give me the coords, the coords you gave me don't line up wit the map.
  • DragonEggLol
    13th Jan 2021
  • DragonEggLol
    13th Jan 2021
    My colony boats should be done now, load them up and send them north to set up colonies along the coast. Set up supply lines using regular supply runs every 3 months. Expand, and train 500 troops. Gather more resources.
  • superbantom
    12th Jan 2021
    stockpile stone from mining in vast mounds outside my capital, sort these mounds based on stone type. Try to create iron alloys, build warehouses, fill these with excess iron and copper bars to create a stockpile, create huge forges in my capital and transport masses of iron there, use copper to create jewlry, give these to my population, turn my 1000 soldiers into a police force. send a colonization fleet to the large island south of my main island if i can