Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
DragonEggLol Lithium batteries are lighter than most other batteries, allowing for more load capacity on the exo suit, which in turn allows the pilot to carry larger armaments or cargo. The other munition, radio, and computer attachments will detract from this capacity however.
MrPineapple All previous orders prior to your occupation and disbandenment of military are carried out or voided depending on how the vassalage affects them.
t00tt33t Autopsies improved your medical practical knowledge, allowing for more advanced surgery and various procedures to be carried out. Your precision melting tech allows for very refined steel instruments to be created, forming the sharpest cutting tools in Anacrium.
Umm Your nuke obliterated the largest iceberg, vaporizing its core and causing the rest of it to fragment and scatter while metling away. Wired/wireless networks are being set up for military/civilian usage. Information will be transferred much easier and orders/actions can be communicated quicker. The Firewall Inquisition team will handle cyber protection.
Umm 1000 planes for every contingent will be very expensive to maintain, your military will have to reduce funds to the armored corps in order to keep up with fuel demands for the aircrafts. The smallest computing processor yet has been developed, at 1 by 1 millimeter.
t00tt33t Exo suit tech has been upgraded with heavier solar charged battery cells, however they are reliant on solar terminals to plug in their suits whenever they aren;t in combat. Maximum suit operating time is 8 hours.
We will be disbanding our army. There will be no further details provided as of now. If you really wanna know check the discord you nosy
I didn't mean to be rude
Sorry, it just has been much long.
It isn't dead, MT has to actually work compared to you lot.