64 / 10
15th Feb 2021
14th Feb 2023
Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
nation autismweaponized wars planet maps anacrium nationwide game faction tunawilldie


  • MrPineapple
    9th Apr 2021
    Where are your ethics lol
  • MrPineapple
    9th Apr 2021
    t00tt33t you be makin some questionable decisions this nationwide boi
  • AntigrainWarhead
    9th Apr 2021
    each sub in testing will have a single item missing and 5 crew (the deathrow prisoners i talked about earlier)
  • AntigrainWarhead
    9th Apr 2021
    get 30 deathrow prisoners and put them in submarines to see how they will react to these clausthrophobic spaces
  • AntigrainWarhead
    9th Apr 2021
    (and time to talk about ethicly questionable choices)
  • AntigrainWarhead
    9th Apr 2021
    and test these submarines by making huge rooms underground and fill the rooms with water
  • AntigrainWarhead
    9th Apr 2021
    make submarines powered by diesel engines and make it have 3 hulls,the exterior hull will be a heavy and tough alloy and the the hull inbetween the exterior hull and the interior hull will be a weak medium weight alloy and the interior hull will be super light weight high strength alloy
  • DragonEggLol
    9th Apr 2021
    Expand our militarys academic and logistics areas. Continue to further develop underground, and continue to create large industrial hubs under our cities. Create large pumps the size of large houses, and use them to build our cities further underground without the worry of flooding. Create a new jet capable of going supersonic, similar to the MiG-19 equipped with heat-seeking air to air missiles, and 30 mms cannons. Use our new jet fuel for the engines. Make factories to produce the fuel.
  • DragonEggLol
    9th Apr 2021
    Continue research on nuclear power and execute the order in the DMs. Begin integration of nuclear power into our power grid, as well as making sure that reactors are equipped with dozens of fail-safes, and kill switches. Begin testing these reactors underground, as well as trying to make them smaller for submarines. Develop radioisotope thermoelectric generators for possible use in satellites. Continue trying to make these reactors more efficient and properly integrating them.
  • DragonEggLol
    9th Apr 2021
    Begin building large radio transmitters and big radio antennas. This is to be a Deep Space Network designed specifically for long-range communications. Continue to develop our computers even further, shrinking the computer chips, and making them faster. Develop the first supercomputer, and pump extremely large amounts of coolant through the system to a special hybrid liquid-air cooling system. Use this to run it at an extremely overclocked speed and use it to advance scientific research.