64 / 10
15th Feb 2021
14th Feb 2023
Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
nation autismweaponized wars planet maps anacrium nationwide game faction tunawilldie


  • panzerkampfwagen
    8th Apr 2021
    i wanna ask you something
  • panzerkampfwagen
    8th Apr 2021
    Umm CTS
  • Umm
    8th Apr 2021
    Continue the expansion of our underground supply networks. Work on the creation of a wired and wireless communication network for both military and civilian use (different networks). The military network's wired and wireless options are to not be connected. Create a cyber-division of the Inquisition with the goal of protecting our nation's different networks, and the creation of encryption/decryption algorythms.
  • panzerkampfwagen
    8th Apr 2021
    we at the atomic age already
  • Umm
    8th Apr 2021
    Work on advancing our computer powers and shrinking the size of our semiconductors to 10 nm. Work on the creation of more refined ores and resources which are to have less impurities. Create underground research hubs which are to be guarded by the Inquisition, everything that happens within them is to be classified. Start integrating nuclear power into our power grid. Create and test a nuclear bomb on one of the icebergs.
  • Umm
    8th Apr 2021
    Create the first 10k troops of our elite troops. They are to be cybernetically augmented to enchance their abilies and every group of 10000 troops is to have 1000 planes under their direct command. Work on making more capable gas masks meant to resist against stronger chemicals. Make an air transport meant to be able to transport atleast 100 fully equipped troops and 3 APCs. Create a wheeled APC which can carry 8 fully equipped troops, launch ATGMs and have a 50 mm autocannon.
  • panzerkampfwagen
    8th Apr 2021
    my name is empire of forgast
  • panzerkampfwagen
    8th Apr 2021
    120834 x:44 y:204
  • panzerkampfwagen
    8th Apr 2021
    Okay my collor is FF437479
  • Umm
    7th Apr 2021
    All grey areas are untaken (except for Watboi's lands) and the lands suffering from a drought which are sand colored.