Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
oh what is my current power income and what is our power consumption and how much power does a lab consume
NuttyMcNuttzz Wouldn;t cooling guns at high altitudes be worse for them? 1000 pound bombs developed for anti-concrete purposes.
NuttyMcNuttzz 2 carriers have been commissioned by your fleet, you have significant relative mobile nautical airforce capabilities. Fighters are being redesigned for quicker takeoff rates and speeds to allow for efficient carrier operation. The new spitfire design is superior to all other Anacrium fighter planes in its tier thus far.
NuttyMcNuttzz Labratories require a much higher power input to maintain at operational levels, your power grid will have to be revamped again for this addition. Factory complex and mine entrances will be redirected into bunker zones for ease of evacuation or transport. Northern uranium deposits are increasing their quota for large scale production capabilities. Yamato battleship design acquired as an option, as well as early arleigh burke class designs.
t00tt33t Your national net worth is around 400 Billion USD. Minimum wage is 12 USD an hour. Employment rate is 46%, not including children, homeless, convicted, and elderly people. 60% Of your population is literate and educated.
DragonEggLol Your computer tithe system will allow for faster encryption and decryption of such large quantities of data, possibly in seconds. Practical application of information is being prioritized, and shipyards are being expanded.
DragonEggLol Your cities are expanding in volume and population density, and due to agricultural mechanization most of the remaining population in the lands between cities have vacated. The regions not occupied by urban powerhouses are mostly abandoned and devoid of human presence, with the main inhabitants being either soldiers, prisons, or isolated industrial mining rigs.
DragonEggLol Liquid HHL acquired, a super-octance fluid designed for high temperature engines meant to travel at speeds beyond the sound barrier. A 60 CM naval cannon has been designed, nicknamed the "Sledgehammer" due to its immense kinetic and explosive payload. GTNT or GigaTNT acquired, with exactly 1000 kilograms of GTNT being able to output 1 gigaton's worth of normal TNT.
DragonEggLol The AECIP agency is established, allowing for coordinated efforts conerning national security and protection of government information. The government body will be re-submitting fingerprints and other forms of identification for a new profiling system. Fiber optic cables with copper redundancy wiring will be laid across your mainland, allowing for better transport of information and more secure ways of digital communication in future.
Umm Ceramite armor is still in its infancy of refinement and perfection, its performance as tank plating is yet unknown but engineers are eager to troubleshoot whatever issues arise. Radar to missile comms are being developed. Logic gates developed, electron microscopes upgraded with double magnification.