Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
I hate mobile
Why. Are. There. No. Quotation. Marks. In. This. Darn. Game.
Why. Are. There. No. Quotation. Marks. In. This. Darn. Game.
@DragonEggLol sus (haha look I said the funny word). Ok lol.
Start building large universities and encourage the more skilled populace to expand on their knowledge by applying their skills to real life problems. Build apon our previous shipyards and expand them further. Since we already have a large foundation of them, begin expanding and optimizing the newly built shipyards.
Continue developing our industrial sector and expand our current industrial hives. Continue development of our computer technology and set up an encrypted net of computers in our nation. The idea is that each personal computer contributes to the encryption process. You can opt-out, but it will cost extra. 1/100 of every computer's resources will be dedicated to encryption and decryption of sensitive information, with the largest contributors being large military computers dedicated to this task.
Continue developing better and more efficient fuels, and improve on our previous jet fuels. Develop a jet engine and afterburners. Continue development of naval ships and begin work on even larger naval guns, along with a large naval engine capable of powering even the largest of ships. Continue standardization of equipment and use our previous chemical developments to create experimental explosives that have way more explosive potential.
Start developing a wide network of communication systems across our nation. Large fiber optic cables are to be laid with the existing framework, with cities, military complexes, and underground tunnels having a secondary line of cheap copper insulated wires in case of failure. There is also to be a third line wired aboveground for a more reliable and easily maintained line.
Establish a new agency, with its goal being anti-espionage and counterintelligence. They are to immediately take defensive/protective measures, even if the espionage appears to be minimal. All sus activity (haha look I said the funny word) are to be reported to the REDACTED. We are to develop a psychological profile of everyone working in government positions that have access to any kind of information. Implement mass surviellence.
Continue work on microprocessors and work on miniaturizing our computer components. Work on producing more advanced microscopes and more effective sterilization equipment.