64 / 10
15th Feb 2021
14th Feb 2023
Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
nation autismweaponized wars planet maps anacrium nationwide game faction tunawilldie


  • Umm
    1st Apr 2021
    Work on creating ETC powered cannons. Work on the creation of a gas turbined powered MBT with a ceramite armor scheme capable of an effective protection of atleast 600 mm and ERA. This tank is to be powered by a rifled 120 mm cannon and is to reach a minimum of 40 mp/h on road and 25 mp/h off road. Work on creating laser designators and radar (active and passive) guided missiles.
  • Umm
    1st Apr 2021
    Start to create environmentally designed combat unifroms for each branch of the military and for each area they might operate in. Implement small air canisters which are to supply a minimum of 4 minutes of oxygen to anyone with a gas mask, these are to be handed out to our troops in case their filters for their gas masks fail or they require extra oxygen for prolonged physical activities.
  • Umm
    1st Apr 2021
    Pour more money into the infrastructure of our nation, more specifically underground infrastructure. Work on creating plants that can grow in man made environments better. Continue work on the jet engine. Work on creating alloys that can withstand higher temperatures which are to be used in our jet engines and in a new type of furnaces which are to use plasma to heat up elements which are to be smelted.
  • Umm
    1st Apr 2021
    Start working on modification of the human genome and human brain, alongside continuing work on cybernetics with the goal of creating cybernetic limbs atleast as capable and small as normal human limbs. Work on creating cybernetics to aid human organs to keep older workers capable of contributing at their peak performance. Work on advancing our medicine and wiping out any viruses that may still be around and have a negative effect on our nation.
  • Umm
    1st Apr 2021
    Work on ramping up our industrial output even further. Start building 2 new dockyards purpose built to make a minimum of 100 ships each at one time, with a minimum of 30 of those ships being capital ship sized. Build more advanced and more numerous military academies of all three military branches (army, naval and air) and a fourth branch for the logistics division. Work on advancing our educational system.
  • AntigrainWarhead
    1st Apr 2021
    oh and begin creating water plants that combines the hydrogen and oxygen into water and begin iceberg mining near the colonies in the south
  • MrPineapple
    31st Mar 2021
    What are my taxes, does anyone want to invade us, will we be able to fend off an invasion, what are our current rights for my people, and what is the current population.
  • MrPineapple
    31st Mar 2021
    Yall are in the 2000s here and Im stuck in 1890 lol
  • MrPineapple
    31st Mar 2021
    I am the least advanced nation in this nationwide correct?
  • Nurian_Republic
    31st Mar 2021
    Begin storing water before the drought becomes harsh, start programs to urge people to save water.