Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Dragonjames CARW armaments are being developed, with a specific department being formulated to accomodate developments.
Dragonjames Long range naval cannons are being constructed on your ports for seaward defense. Re-educating school dropouts and failures will help reduce homeless and low class populations, however it will also cost your school system significantly more.
Umm Exo suit manueverability increased with amplification mechanisms to give normal movements a slight boost in speed, they are calibrating it to prevent injury of organic joints. Bomber upgrades underway, and thermite forges are being experimented for hotter temperature caps.
Umm Standardization of mineshafts will be enforced, the circular structure will resist pressure the most. A large caliber 20mm machine gun will be developed, however the weight and recoil stats of the gun have been brought into question. Inquisitor Corps established, you can better manipulate stability with the versatility of this new government force. However staffing it will be slow and replenishing lost inquisitors even slower.
Umm Flamethrowers acquired. Radar will be worked on first, as it is the easiest of detection programs to research. Customizability is being offered to infantrymen, increasing your troop quality due to the soldiers being able to modify their loadouts to their own strengths.
Umm Geothermal generators (small scale) acquired. Computer processors reduced to 3.5 by 5 cm designs. Jet intake acquired, engine components still in development. Ultra refined octance fuels in development, as well as upgrades to existing engines for better fuel consumption and power output.
t00tt33t Diamond tipped drills acquired, some basic movement exosuits have been developed for vertical lifting capacities double that of a normal human, however the exo suits currently can only operate vertically and in the upper body only. They have proven to greatly negate back-injury and joint ailments in workers due to their spinal support system.
DragonEggLol Flourescent lighting is replacing the incandescent lighting in urban centers, and the electrical grid is being expanded to the outer reaches of city satellite communities.
DragonEggLol Ore trucks are being designed for optimal transport capacity and weight-bearing. The abundance of quartz allows for relatively easy upgrades of building frames, construction costs are mostly superficial in cost increase. Capital city amplitude of construction is being increased, with floor limits raised for more quartz skyscraper construction projects.
DragonEggLol The latest, strongest and smallest microprocessor your labs have come out with is a 4 cm by 4 cm chip, rivaling the 3.5 by 5 cm processor of the Imperium. Military computer in development, factory railways are being developed for raw material transport. Etching and dissolving agents are being used to loosen ore deposits from surrounding sediment, allowing for reduced expensive usage of explosives/diamond drills.