Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Start to build upwards in our capital, and implement the first skyscrapers made out of steel-quartz and reinforced concrete. These are to have a large foundation made out of solid steel rods that extend at least the height of the tower itself. Have fluorescent lights used in our empire to light up streets and other places. Enlargen our electrical grids in our nation, and produce more heaters.
Continue to develop mining technology and begin using heap leaching to remove ore using cyanide or acid. Build enormous trucks that haul rock containing ore from a mine to the refineries. Begin strengthening our buildings with the steel-quartz mix, and prepare them for the possible snowstorm. Work on expanding our industry and automating it with machines further so that it requires less workforce.
Continue to develop computer technology as well as microcontrollers. Begin building a portable military computer with a backup generator. This system of computers is to run on an encrypted operating system designed specifically for military use and has automatic data encryption systems. Start making long underground rails that connect the nations production facilities, as well as mines. Raw materials are to be directly transported to refineries underground.
Begin work on frag grenades as well as bombs. Attach the small metal sheets that we previously produced to the outside of any bomb to make a cost-efficient frag bomb. Have trench mortars researched, to allow my troops to fire in the safety of the trench. Start mass-producing artillery, and giving our troop ear protection that they should wear only when far from the battlefield and when firing large amounts of artillery. This is to prevent ear damage as well as providing a tactical advantage.
Begin building more icebreakers, and start digging more tunnels underneath our production areas. Start developing 152mm howitzers as well as 122 mm howitzers. Start researching a large 210 mm superheavy siege howitzer. Make it so that it can be broken down into parts for transport and has a firing platform and a simple mechanical computer attached to the side to calculate the trajectory. These are to be attached to fortifications only.
Dragonjames ICE engines are in development, as well as 10 inch cannons for your battleships.
t00tt33t Icebreaker attachments for prows of ships are being developed. Your offer must be given to Arstotzka and the U.F.R directly, verbally. Aviation-grade aluminum acquired for plane upgrades.
superbantom Cell organells identified, same for plant cells. Engines are being improved for output power and speed for propelling your vehicles. A battleship design of larger proportion to your previous one is being developed, with a simple geometric upscale for a quick finalization. However constructing htese ships will have to take up most of your workforce, negating the speeds of any other project. Rocket development underway.
superbantom 4 and 8 barreled 15mm anti aircraft guns are being developed, however they cannot fire from kilometers away as the bullets just can;t travel that fast or accurately at such distances, range is only around 0.7 to 1 kilometer. These air defenses are being installed in your largest metropolitan districts, and your planes are being scaled up for bomber purposes. Anatomical research has uncovered the brains neural network and its functions for every lobe.