64 / 10
15th Feb 2021
14th Feb 2023
Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
nation autismweaponized wars planet maps anacrium nationwide game faction tunawilldie


  • superbantom
    18th Mar 2021
    install anti air defences in every town and city, with vast amounts of them in my capital. research larger planes and more efficient bombs and powerful bombs. create a design for a large and longrange bomber. research more advanced engines that could be used in planes. improve public infrastructure and build more hospitals. continue to expand my nations knowledge of the human body and cells. begin to search for DNA and examine the structure of the cell in more detail.
  • superbantom
    18th Mar 2021
    research large anti air defense arrays capable of shooting large swarms of aircraft out of the sky from kilometers away in seconds. research more power ful and deadly guns, make guns and other military equipment more modular with easily attachable, removable and interchangable parts for almost every sitiation. build huge bunkers in rural areas, with subterranian farms and large food and equipment stores capable of being self sustaining for decades.
  • superbantom
    18th Mar 2021
    continue to advance computer technology, miniturise computers and begin to sell them commercially and research more compact, modular and advanced computer components. continue to research the processes involved in nuclear fission and build a prototype fission reactor. expand research labs, especially military ones and update schools with the latest scientific knowledge and materials. advance my nations knowledge of robotics, research more advanced robotic manufacturing systems.
  • Umm
    18th Mar 2021
    Set up air schools all around the Imperium to train both capable pilots and capable commanders for those pilots. Our pilots are to fly in a standard formation of no less than 2 planes, one pilot is to keep an eye out in front and the other pilot is to keep an eye on both of their 6-es. Work on creating more powerful computers and wind tunnels to allow for easier research and development.
  • Umm
    18th Mar 2021
    Build a grand hall in our capital where we are to keep the names of everyone who has done a great deed for the Imperium and helped further the Emperor's ambitions. Work on creating a standardized shipping container meant to be used on both trucks, trains and ships. Create all future rifles around the barrel, not the other way around in order to simplify field repairs and cheapen the construction.
  • Umm
    18th Mar 2021
    Work on creating more powerful weaponry with minimal weight increases but more bang for the buck and at longer ranges. Work on the creation of a 155 mm howitzer meant to be towed by our trucks and that is able to be deployed from mobile to capable of firing in under 2 minutes. Begin working on designing our hive cities to be stronger, effectively turning them into bunkers. .
  • Umm
    18th Mar 2021
    Begin working on repairing the infrastructure that is still broken after the invasion and start expanding eastward. Work on a new smokeless gunpowder meant to replace our cordite (if memory serves). Begin working on creating fragmentation bombs and armor piercing bombs. Work on expanding our industry and automating it further alongside the industrial expansion of the Mechanicus to further reduce the manpower needed to do things.
  • MrPineapple
    18th Mar 2021
    And by stabby things I don't mean knives. I mean stabby things.
  • MrPineapple
    18th Mar 2021
    Create explosives for civilian (mining) and military (nades and bombs) use. Require permit for civilians to own these, for mining or recreational use, because we don't want people throwing lit sticks of TNT and blowing themselves or others to bits.
  • MrPineapple
    18th Mar 2021
    Create smaller firearms and little stabby things for soldiers. Use grass to help dye hunting clothes to blend in with the surroundings as well as with the smell. All civilians may purchase firearms, with some restrictions, but not too big.