Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Create a sort of dye for clothing, and mass produce these in multiple colors for cooler looking clothing. Continue developing diesel engines, but until they are ready for large scale use, use steam engines for exploration ships. Develop more advanced firearms, possibly with casings for quick reloads, and maybe even a gravity or mechanical magazine. Try not to cause a severe stability impact. Let the "Dicmocracy" go slowly, this isn't too important to change.
Upgrade, reinforce, and expand infrastructure in the north. Send out settlers to those areas and establish more training facilities. Improve the training regimen of my soldiers to ensure total loyalty to my country.
Start making large steelworks at the capital, using the steel for weapons and buildings.
Begin making programs for young people that will help them with sudies in physics, science, art, and others. It will be called LCFS.
Begin to fight of the pirates with my navy. CUt down forests in the south and build factoies and farms over them. Fund towns in the south to grow and build up their industries.
Continue improving both our artillery and nvala gun range, and speed. Begin building prototypes of the ships mentioned in dm. Begin working on torpedoes and naval mines. Begin mass production of the planes also discussed in dm, improve their designs and armaments.
Begin relocating factories underground as well, and have them seperated from the bunkers(but have a trransportation tunnel) to isolate any fires that may occur. Begin working on stronger concrete compounds and thicker armor for the bunkers. Begin wortking on blast doors. Improve life support and ac systems, and improve our greenhouse farms, and continue work on crops that can be grown underground with minimal light. Begin working on better water filtration systems for the bunkers as well.
Begin a mass propaganda campaign to incite a patriotic boost following the devestating storm, and to boost interest in military service. Have the Chancellor give a speech to reassure the citizens and to boost morale. Begin working on worker robots to replace workers in factories and send all workers to build the bunkers, while maintaining current pay. Those who refuse should be encourage by local police to reconsider.
My dude, you do not have nuclear reactors, especially on such a small scale that they'd fit in a car.
okay I am on mobile and idk were are the cordnates maybe 50,50