Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
t00tt33t Your kratos project will be in research.
MrPineapple Civilian/military factory production is being comissioned for equipment and food. Your monarchy system will take a while to dismantle, unless you want a severe stability impact due to the sudden change in government, many citizens will be unhappy about such changes. Bayonets acquired. Small exploration ships can be constructed with primitive diesel engines or more advanced steam engines.
MrPineapple Diesel Tractors acquired, engines have been upgraded. Cotton farming machines under research. Cotton and steel will provide a warmer armor loadout but is still very heavy when wet. Modern composite bow developed. Mining yields are being ordered to expand their ore priorities for more variety in output. Sound-based orefinding tech in research. Artillery tractors acquired, along with a gravity-mechanically fed loading system.
superbantom Several hundreds of fishing boats are being requisitioned for refittings of heavy explosives and motorized propulsion, this will cost quite a bit in the way of motors but it is affordable. Your stability increases as the population is reasurred at the sight of the entire imperial fleet sailing for the enemy formations.
superbantom Oceanic artillery guns are being trained on enemy ships traying within range, your capital is bringing its 2000 cannons into full bear at close proximity upon enemy landing craft as well as their larger vessels further out. Your fleet is moving under heavy artillery fire toward the enemy blockade in an attempt to break the encirclement.
superbantom The ATT is becoming the backbone of your vehicular military structure and logistical network. You have a wide variety of ATT vehicles now, specialized for almost any situation, and each with interchangeable parts between one another. Radios are being scaled down but the process is in development and not ready yet.
superbantom Mining and assembly line industries are becoming the dominant professions in your society, so much that there is an actual shortage of other menial personnel like company chain employees and public establishment workers. A massive artillery gun is being designed along with its own platform, please inform me as to its details in private messaging.
superbantom Your labor force experiences some slight losses to military service, and the military of course experiences an increase in recuit population, you can now train troops quicker but again with less quality. Basic robotics in development for factory use. Gun standardization underway, and basic protective gear is being mass produced. ATT vehicles are being scaled up for power and shock effect.
superbantom penicillum mold is being lab grown to produce penicillin. Aerial machines are being improved, with better metals being used and wood use being reduced. 500 Bombers will take a while and a considerable amount of money to produce, especially during wartime. Military recreation centers will improve morale and loyalty but decrease troop productivity and effects of training and discipline.
Umm The enemy city walls fell quickly after the first wave of your infantry hit, A small contingent of your troops was able to destroy a section of the defenses, the defenders too few and far between. Bomber groups are airborne with full tanks. Military engineers will be heavily armored operatives that will integrate into almost any military/civilian force if needed.