oh and can i privately message you (MT) for more secretive thing so its actually classified
cool can wait to do the next turn
(and make lower weight strong alloys for the underwater suits)
(oh and the KRATOS project is classified so pretend you didnt see that)
ok heres my next turn:begin researching artilerry shells after the artilerry shells are done begin researching LARGE artilerry shells after the research is done begin the "KRATOS" project,the KRATOS will be capable of launching the large artilerry shells across a 480 KM space the shells will be made of a low weight strong and flexible alloy made in the new alloy furnaces
Create seafaring vehicles for broader exploration and for fishing. Continue work on firearms, and make sure they're ready for use very soon. Develop B I G firearms for use on military steam tractors, that can be reloaded without having to get out and reload through the barrel. Create swords for the tips of the firearms, in case we run out of ammunition.
Begin making factories for making military and civilian equipment, clothing, and food. Create a better system for economy, and abolish monarchy and replace with a "dicmocracy", which is a dictatorship but you can elect the dictator, (yay?), but keep powers limited to a certain extent, such as increasing time of power, which is 10 years before a new election.
Create better engines for the steam tractors, and machines to make cotton farming easier. Make cotton uniforms for soldiers, and make better armor with it, like tightly woven cotton reinforced with steel plating. Develop a more modern form of bow, with better, sharper tips. Try to expand the amount of materials mines are producing, and possibly create a system for locating various ores and minerals using sound.
create large factories for the mass production of explosives. researth experimental rockets capable of going a few hundreds of meters into the air. expand the defences and build large seawalls in my capital and train a large police force for crime prevention and the halting of enemy invasion in my capital. work on more powerful explosives.