Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
expand the shipyards along the crater wall, begin to fire at the enemy ships encircling my nation with coast based artillary instalations. build 100 more ships and send my existing 300 ships to attack the enemy boats. refit fishing boats with large and extreamly fast engines and send them, manned with a very small crew to go in suicide missions with their cargo bays full of explosives to blow holes in enemy ships, produce thousands of these and make sure the crew bails out quickly.
begin the mass production of military ATTs of all types, update ATT designs with the latest engine technology, make ATT engines more modular with easily combinable or replacable parts. build and man 1000 military ATTs and 500 artillary ATTs. improve computer technology and work on miniturising computer components, improve the quality of radios and mass produce them and sell them cheaply to make sure almost every house has one. experiument with advanced titanium alloys.
encourage young men, women and even children if they want to to work in factories and mines to help increase production. begin using convicts in for scientific experimentation and testing of new drugs (while under heavy guard) develope larger prisons. begin work on a giant mobile artillary platform (GMAP), aim to get it`s top speed to above 10 mph and its range over 100 miles, research more advanced artillary. update my nations education system with the latest scientific material and technology.
launch a propoganda campaign encouraging young workers to join the military, research more advanced methods of automated production such as reobotic arms controlled my computers to actomiacically assemble products. make guns modular with easily replacable parts and easy to use and produce mechanisms. create cheap and easy to mass produce light military helmets and armour for protection from incoming fire. research larger and more powerful ATTs with larger tracks and huge cannons mounted on them.
begin to breed penicillin mould and harvest it for antibiotics and begin to selectively breed it for antiboitic production. research more advanced manned flying machines and use them as short to medium range bombers to drop bombs on enemy troops and ships, build 500 bombers for this purpourse. establish more intensivemilitary training camps but also give these camps impoved facilities and recriational areas.
Establish an army corps of engineers, meant to act as sappers and engineers working near to the front lines, they are to receive both military training and engineering training in order to better aid our expansion and logistics efforts both during peace time and war time.
Give the people who asked for peace a answer, an artillery barrage followed by a charge by our troops, they rather certainly aren't capable of withstanding much more if they are resorting to surrender. Meanwhile ready 25k men and all but 50 ships to head westward, both to capture the port they have to the west that is on my continent for a supply anchor, and afterward to strike their homeland. We shall use our bombers for long range recon and ofcourse bombing.
Work on creating 88mm anti tank cannons for use by both tanks and AT implacements. Set up a military band meant to keep up morale and make the commissar's job easier. Continue working on automation in our factories, and start work on better automating the mining process with conveyors and large drills meant to clear out huge areas of land (also to be used for a certain project dicussed in DMs)
Start the mass production of motorized vehicles and begin mechanization of our infantry. Design a KV-1 like tank meant as a spearhead, and a faster medium tank meant to exploit the holes the spearheads have made. Continue work on belt and magazine fed semi automatic weapons. Begin working on creating larger and more capable steel mills and expand our mining efforts.
Begin working on integrating AC into both our hive cities and factories. Begin work on nuclear power and nuclear bombs. Start work on the jet engine. Develop a fighter capable of escorting our bombers (with fuel tanks), and being nimble but hard hitting fighters (much like the BF109 K4). Begin mass production of both civilian and military aircraft, and start the construction of airfields, mainly for military and logistics and secondaraly for civilians.