64 / 10
15th Feb 2021
14th Feb 2023
Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
nation autismweaponized wars planet maps anacrium nationwide game faction tunawilldie


  • AntigrainWarhead
    12th Mar 2021
    ok pause ALL research and start researching droids to increase the speed of the building industry and research industry after the droid research is done resume all the research and add lens to the research line after the research of lens are done start mass producing microscopes EVERY research institute has at least 3 microscopes increasing research speed even more meanwhile begin deviding research intitutes into diferent devisions
  • DragonEggLol
    12th Mar 2021
    The winter mode thing is only to be put into effect when it is clear the storm is coming this way and when it is no longer safe to remain outdoors. All other cities do not have to have this mode.
  • DragonEggLol
    12th Mar 2021
    Put our nation into full winter mode. All non essential actions are not to be carried out and production processes are to remain underground through tunnels to the factories. All civilians are to be underground in bunkers as well as in our pillboxes/bunkers as makeshift disaster centers. Mass produce heaters and begin producing metal blankets made out of highly reflective insulators (like the NASA blanket thing and its also waterproof) so that body heat is conserved.
  • DragonEggLol
    12th Mar 2021
    Continue development on planes and tanks, and continue development on modern medicines as well as stronger computers. Continue to shrink microprocessors and continue to improve our computer's specs. Begin development on personal computers as well as the first computer network systems that communicate with each other on a local level. Continue development of better engines. Start winterizing our naval ships and equipment and prepare our ships for ice.
  • DragonEggLol
    12th Mar 2021
    Begin developing higher and higher caliber guns and anti-tank guns. Develop more towed artillery as well as Infantry Fighting Vehicles and Armored Personnel Carriers. In addition to the ZIS-5, begin producing daily use small jeep-like cars for the military. Begin making large snowplows and prepare our southern cities for heavy snowfall. Expand our military strongholds and turn them into modern military bases with less traditional walls and more traps/detours to lead enemies into kill zones.
  • N2H4
    12th Mar 2021
    Begin work on the *spicier* DM items. Develop stronger explosives like silver tetrazole or sodium azides. Create simple prototypes of NVGs. Begin experimentation on prisoners for research on medicines and the effects of chemical weapons. Continue development of tanks and planes. Continue proliferation and expansion of use of plastic products. Develop basic exoskeletons for use in manual labor and military applications.
  • routeraltar
    12th Mar 2021
    novae me
  • DragonEggLol
    12th Mar 2021
    Work on developing a tank production line. Start developing military standard templates for guns, artillery, anti-tank guns, bunkers, and tanks. General specifications of these should upgrade with technology increase, however, the basic production process should be the same. Invest heavily in military infrastructure and continue to refine and rationalize this production process until military supplies are extremely cheap.
  • DragonEggLol
    12th Mar 2021
    Continue development of more chemicals as well as chemical explosives (RDX, as well as better TNT) and plastic explosives (C4, Semtex) Continue to streamline our production processes and make everything more efficient and time saving. Begin making basic batteries as well as improving our exoskeleton technology to be more efficient at energy. Begin implementing a civilian militia program. All citizens are legally required to undergo basic military training. Increase our military budget even more.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    12th Mar 2021