64 / 10
15th Feb 2021
14th Feb 2023
Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
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  • MinecraftTranquility
    12th Mar 2021
    Umm Gas masks incorporated into standard infantry loadout, as well as helmets designed to deflect frontally angled bullets and layered vests. The first Mechanicus combat division has been deployed. Steam engines are being replaced with oil locomotives. Industrial expansions are being made to accomodate a growing military. Chemical as well as biological attack drills are being enforced in the training camps to prepare troops for transitional war.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    12th Mar 2021
    Umm A gasoline powered all-purpose truck is being designed for your military logistical purposes, it even has attachments for railroad traversal. A huge 12m x 14m engine is being created for naval ship propulsion, nicknamed the Mule. 20 enemy ships have been captured while 20 have fleed to friendly waters, evading your patrol ships. Freeze drying methods of food preservation are being developed.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    12th Mar 2021
    Umm Oil products are being added to the mass of industrial output per anum. Sacked cities are being rebuilt and territories reconquered. The enemy port inhabitants have sent envoys to ask for clemency, in exchange for unconditional surrender of the city and surrounding region. Howitzers acquired. IFVs cannot be too advanced due to technological limitations, however a single rotating chamber cannon can be installed without low ammunition count.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    12th Mar 2021
    Dragonjames A naval force is being formed to prevent piracy in your waters, the enemy ships have prevented outgoing trade for the time being, and your wealth/resources will decrease until the threat is dealt with. Child labor is being enforced, negatively impacting stability but doubling your workforce volume.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    12th Mar 2021
    t00tt33t Ironclad steam ships under development. Research institutions and educational directiveness are both being implemented. Furnace systems, insulation, and subterranean shelters are in development. Iodine water purification kits are being produced.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    12th Mar 2021
    t00tt33t When I make the announcement soon.
  • AntigrainWarhead
    12th Mar 2021
    uhhhh when are we gonna be allowed to post
  • MinecraftTranquility
    10th Mar 2021
  • NuttyMcNuttzz
    10th Mar 2021
    wait shit my phone did it again. stupid autocorrect
  • NuttyMcNuttzz
    10th Mar 2021
    T H E C OF M M U N I S T L E M O N S S H A L L R I S E