64 / 10
15th Feb 2021
14th Feb 2023
Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
nation autismweaponized wars planet maps anacrium nationwide game faction tunawilldie


  • DragonEggLol
    9th Mar 2021
    Continue development of propaganda machines as well as developing a national anthem, a national military march, and military marching bands. Have our existing troops on the mainland undergo harsh military training every year to refresh their skills. Shift our nation's goal into military, and have daily military marches into the streets to impress our citizens and encourage them to join the military. Have children be taught that going into the military is standard and extremely patriotic.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    9th Mar 2021
    t00tt33t Do you have a discord? You must join our server.
  • superbantom
    9th Mar 2021
    also begin the construction of 100 more ships and send them along with my existing 200 ships to break up the naval blockade
  • superbantom
    9th Mar 2021
    when not going into conflict my group of 50000 soldiers should be put in intensive training camps to improve their survivability, send 40000 of them to march upon arstozkan forces and 10000 of them to attack the coloran troops.
  • superbantom
    9th Mar 2021
    expand my nations economy, build more factories and make them more automatic using converor belts and computers. focus most of these new factories on the production of military equipment. research projectors and create cinemas to improve my populations moral, use these as an avenue for wartime propoganda films, encouraging hatrid of the enemy forces and encouraging my population to resist invasion. research a more streemlined manufacturing process for ATTs and military equipment.
  • superbantom
    9th Mar 2021
    research landmines and put them infromt of the path of enemy forces from the south and north. research larger, more heavily armoured military ATT designs. look into the processes involved in nuclear fission and how it could potentially be used for power or destruction. create large training facilites for soldiers along with creating a large military administration building in my capital. ready my entire population for invasion and encourage people to join the military.
  • superbantom
    9th Mar 2021
    massively defend my capital and the crater wall, build huge forts, gun towers and military bunkers along my capitals coasts and along other islands around the crater wall. place large pieces of floating debree in the spaces surrounding the islands to slow down incoming ships. improve my nations farming and mining technolgy, create ICE powered tractors and other farm machinary. create large ICE powered mining machines and istall ICEs on trains, alos begin work on an electric train design.
  • superbantom
    9th Mar 2021
    evacuate the cities close to the invading forces to the north, dismantle infrastructure in those cites and take all supplies contained there and burn the farmland around the approaching enemy forces. build 500 more artillary ATTs and send them along with 10000 of my existing troops to bombard the enemy forces to the north with shells. create a large easily defendable network of trenches infromt of the enemy forces with cencrete fortsa and gun implacements spaced along them for easy defense.
  • superbantom
    9th Mar 2021
    continue to research aerodynamics and flight, look into different possible flying machine designs. research lighweight aluminium alloys for flying machines and construct a prototype powered manned flying machine. put more funding into military science, research more efficient long range artillary units along with attempting to create gas shells that can be launched from artillary ATTs. research better chemical explosives and bombs. modernise my nations gun technology.
  • Umm
    9th Mar 2021
    Work on expanding our heavy and light industry to provide enough resources for the expanding Imperial military. Further intensify the military training by incorporating gas attacks and modern firearm and their usage against enemies and effective ways to stay organized on the battlefield. Set up a biyearly military exercise, meant to act both to train the troops and as a show of force.