Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Work on producing and issuing gas masks en masse and making a standard military trench coat for our troops alongside a metal helmet and flak vest. Deploy the first official Mechanicus division consisting of 1000 men. Work on developing AC. Work on expanding our power grid. Work on creating oil fuel based trains and replace our steam trains with them.
Continue development into ICEs and planes. Work on making an naval version of a ICE to power our future iterations of battleships. Work on refridgeration and more advanced ways to preserve food. Have our "coast guard" and battleship fleet mop up the remaining heretical fleets. Work on more powerful explosives and better forms of gunpowder.
Begin setting up oil refineries and work on refining oil into rubber, fuel and plastics. Work on producing more advanced computers. Begin repairing all destroyed infrastructure and re-integrating the previously occupied territories into Imperial control. Begin developing 155 mm howitzers. Develop tracked IFVs equipped with dual autocannons. Develop a Opel Blitz like truck meant to serve as the logistical backbone of our army, and a civilian version meant to haul civilan goods.
Increase the population by making large plantations and start making uhh y'know.. child labor farms *cough*
Begin building naval ships to battle the inccoming raiders. Start researching muskets and make training outposts around the nation for defence and to train my troops. Begin making a wall on my southern border due to the increased raiding.
i know all of this is gonna put a heavy strain on the building industrys
oh and make a port and 6 warships 6 cargo ships 2 explorer ship 1 research ship and 1 ship that will hold very important diplomatic people
You being inactive will not save you from destruction.
and my time zone irl is GMT+7 so i might be asleep while you guys do turns so dont attack me while im inactive
and when all of the research is done begin researching heaters that will require very low input and research insultion efficient technics after thats done begin making undergroun survival shelters with the aquaponics oh and give the shelters repopulation kits when the disasters are over and begin researching advance filters to remove the contaminants in the water were gonna use for aquaponic