Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Begin development on methods of producing stronger conventional explosives. Continue optimization and improvement of computational technology. Develop simple lasers and test what can be done with them. Further expand and improve the manufacturing speed and automation of military production factories. Develop stronger and lightweight armors with alloys like alium. Find ways to reduce the weight while not compromising the strength of metals like steel. Manufacture more aircraft grade alloys.
equip all ships with the new naval guns. Forgot about that because am retard
Expand north and west. Build quarries
begin to mass stockpile resources. create huge subterranian warehouses containing massive stockpiles of canned food and bottles of sanitised water for times of emergance, make sure there is enough to feed my nation (with heavy rationing) for 10 years in times of disater, make sure every building is designed to be more resistant to the cold and natural disasters. make sure every building in cities has a large heating system.
create state run orphanages where children will be taught and fed propoganda encouraging loyalty and love of my nation and science.
research more advanced computers, research basic logic gates and use semiconductors in electronics, research more effiecient generators. improve my nations knowledge of human biology, build many more hospitals and create vaccines for most commen illnesses. try to create basic anethetics for medical use also try to create them in a gasious and more potent form for military use. make birthing clinics more advanced with better staff and equipment. enourcage women to have 4 or more children.
create large military training complexes where soldiers will be fed propaganda and trained vital survivability and combat skills. begin to research the long term effects and consequences of the planets highly elliptical orbit.
launch a large effort to completely connect my nation to my northern colony, launch a large propoganda campaign encouraging people to become fronteir settlers along with launching a huge effort to expand and build settlements in every dirention. send a colonist group to X317 Y164 followed by 1000 soldiers for protection.massively expand my military until my troop count reaches 15000, create factories for the mass production of military equipment. construct 200 military ATTs and 75 artillery ATTs
research more effiecient ICEs and attach them on to ATTs. create zooa where rare animals will be observed and studied, particually focus on arthropods, try to house, preserve and breed most known terrestrial arthropod species. begin to eat various species of easy to breed and nutritional insects along with breeding them for higher nutritional value. begin to "spew" out propoganda, make sure that on every street or in every public building there is atleast 5 posters saying hop great my nation is.
expand mining methods and create huge electrical mining machines. begin to use explosives in mining. build 50 ctataran destroyers and research more efficient weapons such as naval guns for oceanic combat. expand my nations knowledge of the atom and subatiomic particles, look into how nuclear fission occurs and how to cause it. attempt to extract uraniums radioactive isotopes. build many more wind and hydroelectric power plants and research basic solar pannels.