64 / 10
15th Feb 2021
14th Feb 2023
Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
nation autismweaponized wars planet maps anacrium nationwide game faction tunawilldie


  • superbantom
    7th Mar 2021
    put much more funding and resources into level 2 and 3 schools, make intellegence tests deciding which level students will go to more accurate. update schools with my nations latest scientific knowledge and allow students in level 3 schools to choose (or be forced if they are incredebally intellegent) to have an 8 hour day with no breaks, just constand advanced learning. build many more universities and research institutes. give scienticts much more funding and scientific equipment.
  • superbantom
    7th Mar 2021
    massively expand my capital, build many subterranian buildings to save space and using modern construction methods make structures taller until they tower hundreds of meters into the sky. create naval training camps where crew will the trained on how to run a ship. experiment with more powerful electro magnets, try to create electromagnetically powered railguns. research more efficient methods of farming and create "autofarms" where plants will be grown in a greenhouse and harvested my machines.
  • superbantom
    7th Mar 2021
    begin working on electrically powered mechanical exoskeletons. begin to build a large road network across my nation using avdanced materials such as concrete or asphalt. begin to mass produce small civillian ATTs and sell them for extreamly cheap prices until 90% of my urban population owns one. make factories more automated using simple computers. research electrical conveyor belts.
  • NuttyMcNuttzz
    7th Mar 2021
    Begin offering small tax cuts to new parents to encourage familial devlopement and a reduction in price for homes fornew families. Begin building taller structures in cities to reduce urban sprawl. Begin inspecting items procuced in factories to ensure that no malfuncions occur.
  • NuttyMcNuttzz
    7th Mar 2021
    Begin building fully automated factories so that they will operate 24/7. Create a military retirement plan that offers alternate work options for soldiers once they return home so that they do not become a burden. Expand military and civilian mines and factories. All the produced goods from the automated factories are to go to emergency stockpiles. Begin working on steel alloys.
  • NuttyMcNuttzz
    7th Mar 2021
    Send an expedition to x:113 y:45. Once the settlers have arrived, begin scouting suitable locations for bunkers, and do the same n the mainland. begin working on insulation, heat generators, greenhouses, water filtration, air conditioning/centralised air flow. Begin working on crops that can grow deep underground with low exposure to sunlight. Begin work on desalinisation techniques. Begin working on primitive computers and radios. Begin stockpiling all resources including food and water
  • NuttyMcNuttzz
    7th Mar 2021
    Build storage facilities near the shipyards to increase supply cap. Begin working on a larger ship class(details will be provided in dm's). Begin working on computer technology and continue working on flight. Improve ship and tank armor and begin working on troop transport vehicles, specifically halftracks. Have rail lines connect to every harbor to ensure rapid troop transport. Begin moving 20k troops and the 200 tanks towards the ports.
  • NuttyMcNuttzz
    7th Mar 2021
    Improve our weapons, and bullets. Begin designing lightweight armor and exosuits. Begin working on artilery, and tank cannons. Begin working on a tank design that uses these. Begin working on diesel engines. Improve car and ship engines. Continue the search for copper and begin the search for tungsten, and begin extracting them when found. Begin expanding shipyards to allow for better output.
  • N2H4
    7th Mar 2021
    Begin development of more effective processes for fertilizing, growing, harvesting, and processing foods. Begin stockpiling of the developed packageable and shelf-stable foods. Construct contingency facilities for use in natural disasters or invasion scenarios. Develop cheaper methods of mass producing large amounts of insulation. Begin studying astronomy and further studying physics for any potential anomalies or holes in knowledge. If any of these are discovered, they'll be discussed in DMs.
  • N2H4
    7th Mar 2021
    Expand further in all directions, but primarily south. Begin optimization of my equipment to survive in a wide range of conditions, from arid deserts to thick blizzards. Develop more energy efficient methods of generating light. Expand the extraction of all types of materials, but primarily oil, coal, and useful industrial materials like lithium. Create forms of armored all-terrain transport vehicles for use in my summer holiday. Continue and fund development of the items discussed in DMs.