Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
MrPineapple Well water proves highly enriched with minerals and already fairly pure, requiring little filtration process. Terrain manipulation tool loadouts will be reinforced with stainless steel and possibly titanium if your mines can yield it. Full time military service will be rewarded with certain salary and retirement benefits, and somewhat improve quality of troops.
MrPineapple Steam tractors acquired. And stone quarries on the limestone coastal cliffs to the West are being tapped for their valuable building material. Intermittent military service will help reduce cost of maintaining a standing army, and leave a lot of excess treasury funds available, however it will reduce the quality and battle-readiness of your troops. Universal cultivation soil is being researched, although the project is going slowly due to a lack of botanical research funding.
Umm Blanket urbanization and modernization will slow down border expansion until the transition is at least mostly dominant. Obviously producing the perfect workforce is impossible, however you can use genetic selectivity to possibly improve the potency of Imperial characteristics rather than dilute it. Namely do not allow international breeding, as that is the prime cause of genetic taint.
N2H4 Selective scientist recruitment is actually more efficient as they can mentor the newcomer generations every half century or so. Pharmaceutical products are widening in variety and range of effectiveness. Your industry will use all available methods of automation to begin mass production of gunpowder materials and weaponry. Plastics are being made from patroleum.
N2H4 refined silicon is available, although lithium and cobalt are being outputted at much lower rates. A new aerial glider which features the smallest engine to date has been developed. Currently your weapons cannot really be silenced, as they still use musket level tech. Basic computers acquired, able to do mathematical calculations.
AVeryBigNurd Your power grid is being extended to some satellite urban centers, however the long term project will take a while before it is complete, unless some faster means of construction is made apparent. Newtonian telescopes, relays, switches, and AC circuits are acquired. Calculus is able to more precisely match the needs of both the military and your scientific field. Oil fields are suspected to be plentiful in the wastelands to the northern half of the continent.
Umm time as well as temperature is available for your computing ability.
DragonEggLol Analog astronomy computers have been made capable of predicting basic pre-determined events and scenarios when fed the correct information. Your medical scientists begin combining natural and artifically manufactured substances to create engineered effects with natural catalysts. Advanced Antibody vaccination acquired. Your newest computer development will have a very tiny but clear screen for displaying semi-digital numerical values for its calculations.
superbantom Along with microscope sohpistication, your astronomers report that the planet seems to be taking a very elliptical orbit around the sun, they worry over the long term effects of this. Time and variable calculation computers acquired.
DragonEggLol An elite training branch will train up more advanced field soldiers. The scientific method is already implemented as a basis for research.