Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
superbantom 80% of your natural landscape is being stripped and repurposed as agricultural industry.Basic radio comms are being researched, and yet another ruined city has come under your control, with more knowledge contained in it as well as other items of interest. Your capital island coast is being converted into an extensive network of fortified shipyards.
superbantom A semi-secular semi-divinity of the state religion has been instilled into your national belief. Some citizens will be jarred by the shift in what they believe in, and stability will be impacted. Patriotism will be merged with religious fanaticism of a technological nature, one of the most optimal combinations. Electrical components like inductors, resistors, capacitors, fuses, and transformers are acquired.
superbantom Historical and cultural forms of immortalizing your nation's history increases patriotic tendencies within your nation, you've amassed a highly loyal citizen class to the state, one that will go to great lengths for its country. mobile artillery is being constructed.
Umm Mortars and basic grenades are both acquired, the process for producing them is fairly simple. There are explode-on-contact grenades and timer grenades available. Unique ore acquisition projects are commencing, and deep mining teams will search specifically for such materials.
DragonEggLol The plains oil wells are drawing your borders closer to them, expansion should accelerate once you get close enough. Proportional tax collection and sales taxes help accumulate surplus funds for miscellaneous projects. Mining-specific TNT acquired, with an urban demolition variant made to increase safety of usage. Electrically powered motors are being researched, and the increasing speed of metal production helps produce ships faster.
superbantom Your national emphasis on knowledge and the readily available plethore of information to the masses allow for education and logical minds to prevail, quelling most of the protests and riots from the anti-government groups. Atomic theory is being coalesced into a comprehensive study and subject of science. Reports of miners being ill are mostly due to inhalation of harmful stone dust particulates and/or coal dust.
Umm Electrical power extends viable daytime work hours allowing for more productivity overall. Artificial chemical actories are being constructed to produce the essential substances needed in advanced tech or fluids. Oil wells further north have been discovered, deep in the thick forestlands. Imperial docks are being built to house much larger vessels than regular docks.
Umm Amplification of the white powder's ordinance is underway. Coordinators from the Omnissiah sect will help your labor force focus and redouble its efforts. Logistical and management structure schools will allow for efficient civilian command structures within companies and government institiutions alike.
DragonEggLol Your seawalls reach over 150 feet in some sections. A semi-submerged ironclad warship like the Monitor has been designed, using a gear-driven rotational mechanism. Combine harvesters acquired.
NuttyMcNuttzz Medical gear like masks, gloves, coats, and other sterile articles are being standardized. Isolation wards help prevent possible plagues. Rent funds are being added to the treasury, and employed tenants are able to coordinate their income with their housing.