Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
NuttyMcNuttzz Military mines are being used to also keep soldiers fit, as well as a form of punishment for court martial subjects. Gravity and aerodynamic studies have merged to increase efficiency of contextual development. Naval cannon shell created, upgraded from solid lead ball. Health standards increase recovery rate of military divisions from battle damage.
NuttyMcNuttzz Wargames provide a more practiacal way of tempering armies for the intense physical gymnastics of tactical field deployments and movements. Having access to a myriad of landscapes allows you to easily train troops in almost any environment, aside from desert and mountainous regions which you have little access to, if none at all. Gunpowder weaponry production is being ramped up in sophistication and quantity.
Tuna_: You are a complete idiot just to say
ok ill just spectate
After thinking about this I have decided that I will leave this nationwide with my reasoning not being stated.
Tuna_ how was Umm sexist or racist, he was attacking you because you were annoying not because he was being racist in any way
because of how RUDE Umm is, i decided to completly leave this nationwide, he was being raicst/sexist, he was targeting me, and he was just rude in general
just putting a thought out
but its MT's choice sooo i dont think i matter here
t00tt33t i dont think that such op inhabitants are allowed, and a spave ship crashing and somehow 1 million of those things survive? thats a bit far off