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15th Feb 2021
14th Feb 2023
Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
nation autismweaponized wars planet maps anacrium nationwide game faction tunawilldie


  • MrPineapple
    3rd Mar 2021
    Create wells for a steady supply of water, and begin refine our terrain manipulation tools so that they are strong enough to cut through stone, because that is not an easy task. Create a better government and better laws, and a small portion of the mandatory soldiers may choose to go full time as to enforce these new laws.
  • MrPineapple
    3rd Mar 2021
    Begin developing devices to help with farming, and create mines for stone to build houses, aka a quarry, with our new refined "Terrain Manipulation Tools", and some mines for other things. I forgot to mention that military service will only be required for months at a time, the soldiers will receive training and will then be deployed in the unlikely but possible event of war. Search for new kinds of plants, and research ways to plant them wherever the heck we want.
  • Umm
    3rd Mar 2021
    Begin work on modernizing every part of our nation, from things as basic as the farming sector to more advanced areas as the medical sector and teaching. Our goal is to produce a lot of healthy and intelligent people to serve either on the front lines or in the factories for the Emperor and Omnissiah.
  • N2H4
    3rd Mar 2021
    Update the school curriculum with modern knowledge and recruit more top performers as scientists. Develop forms of anesthetics for use in surgeries. Begin further research into medical technology such as stronger antibiotics/virals or simple prosthetics. Develop ways of mass producing gunpowder and mass refining sulfur. Begin pumping for oil. Invent simple plastics for use in consumer goods. Continue developing ground transport for the military and begin work on simple tanks.
  • N2H4
    3rd Mar 2021
    Expand large scale extraction operations to include electronically useful elements such as cobalt, silicon, and lithium. Give further funding to the development of aerial vehicles. Create simple forms of radio transmitters and receivers. Send planes out as far as possible on scouting missions. Train all existing troops how to use guns. Develop more concealable and quieter weapons for covert units. If possible, develop simple solar panels. Fund projects with the goal of creating simple computers.
  • AVeryBigNurd
    3rd Mar 2021
    Begin advancing from algebra to calculus for use in military parts, resource extraction, and schools. Increase work on physics and aerodynamics. Attempt to find if there is any oil in the region, and if so, work to extracting it.
  • AVeryBigNurd
    3rd Mar 2021
    Further improve on the safety and happiness of the population. Open parks and supermarkets. Begin spreading the power grid from the capital to other cities. Smelt glass, and use its unique properties to make the first Newtonian telescopes and basic microscopes. Begin making basic PCB boards, and start increasing the variety of electronic parts to include relays, switches or buttons, and transformers.
  • superbantom
    3rd Mar 2021
    research very basic computers for telling the time, doing mathematics and running complex scientific calculations.
  • DragonEggLol
    3rd Mar 2021
    Improve our medical products. See if any of the chemicals we made before have any affect on the human health, and start making synthetic antibodies. Create more vaccines and improve them. Continue development on telescopes and microscopes. Start creating a very basic electronic/mechanical computer with its display/logic processing done electronically, but the main computer is mechanical, hopefully combining the two worlds and making it better. Begin improving the gears of our factory machines.
  • Umm
    3rd Mar 2021
    Work on basic electrical components, capacitors and diodes. Start to work on creating extremely basic electronic computers meant to display very basic stuff, the time and other such things.