Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Continue experimenting with the computers and create more complicated analog computers that can calculate astronomical positions, physics, and large number calculations. Create sectors, planimeters. Create mechanical computers like the difference engine, the analytical engine, and differential analyzers. Use these to help our research on physics and aerodynamics.
begin improving microscope and telecsope technology, begin observing the behaviour of micro organisms along with mapping the solarsystem and creating charts of the planets orbits around the sun/suns. launch a large propoganda campaign encouraging loyalty.
begin work on very basic radios for short range communication. begin a large expansion project putting all known ruined cities under my controal along with searching for more. recall all my colonistaion ships and refit them for further use apart from the 30 fending off libertalia. begin to contruct a massive shipyard complex on my capital island, with a huge drydock along with a miniture town to house the crew of ships while they are refitted/produced.
continue to expand my nations knowlege of electricity, begin to produce semiconductors along with a wider variety of electrical components. contruct large power storage storage stations across my nations. begin a large project to convert most of the wilds in my nations into agricultural lands or tree farms. begin to work on extreamly strong electromagnets along with electromagnetcaly powered railguns. construct a large railway connecting my nation with my sulfur colony.
Improve our military training and create an elite program, they are to undergo extreme training, in all terrains, and learn enough battle strategies that they can improvise on the battlefield. They are to be under extreme scrutiny, with background checks, extreme physical examinations, and prostate exams ;). Train 1000 of these elite soldiers. Continue improving our knowledge on physics, aerodynamics, and begin using the scientific method.
begin to teach this religion in schools launch a large propoganda campaign encouraging people to follow it and make it manditory to follow it otherwise there will be a serous fine or worse...
begin to change my national religion, make the sea a metaphore for exploration, scientific advancement and colonisation. make the advancement of science and human knowledge and technology the key goal of existance in the religion also massively encourage loyalty to the government, scienticts and the nation with betrayal of the Crataran imperium along with attempt to stop technological and scientific advancement being HERESY with the ovious consequenses (termination)
construct museums containing cultural and historical and biological artefacts in all large cities, with the largest being in my capital. begin to search and drill for oil and natural gas along with creating large electric pumping stations. begin using gunpowder based explosives in mines and begin researching TNT. create large mobile artillary ATTs capable of carrying a large very long range cannon.create a national currency based on metal discs with a value equil to their material value
Work on creating more potent high explosives. Work on the creation of standard issue grenades and the implimentation of mortars into our army. Work on improving the production process of processed ores and products. Start with massive expansion efforts in order to find more lucrative mining locations. Start to search for *funky ores* which are unique in some aspect, uranium, barium, lithium, diamonds, stuff like that.
Continue mining for oil and creating more oil products (diesel, gasoline, etc) Dedicate entire factories for chemical products. Set up a tax collecting policy that taxes the rich more and makes sure that everyone is taxed properly, and introduce a sales tax on consumer products. Continue expansion. Work on TNT. Continue building our electric grid up and start experimenting with motors that use electricity. Continue mass producing large metal sheets and use them to build multi-layered ironclads.